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President arrives in London for the Financial Times Africa Summit

President Cyril Ramaphosa has today, Sunday 13 October 2019, arrived in London, United Kingdom to begin his two-day working visit. The President will deliver the opening address at the 6th Financial Times Africa Summit on Monday, 14 October 2019. The summit is being held at Claridge’s in   London.

On the sidelines of the summit, President Ramaphosa is expected to engage investors and business leaders with the aim of attracting further investment into South Africa.

The Financial Times Africa Summit is hosted annually by the Financial Times newspaper, with a focus on business affairs and opportunities in African  countries. This year’s theme, ‘Africa in Motion’, places a special emphasis on youth, women, entrepreneurs, scientists and artists and innovation.

The overarching theme is that ‘Africa’s home-made solutions are becoming more relevant as the continent takes its destiny into its own hands’.

The summit will discuss business, investment as well as the political and cultural environment in Africa with expert speakers, potential investors and innovators.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by Minister of Small Business Development Ms Khumbudzo Ntshavheni and Presidential Special Envoy on Investment Mr Mcebisi Jonas.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 570
Issued by: The Presidency

President concludes successful Working Visit to United Kingdom

President Cyril Ramaphosa has concluded a successful working visit to London in the United Kingdom where he participated in the 6th Annual Financial Times Africa Summit. The visit took place on 13 and 14 October 2019.
President Ramaphosa commenced his two-day working visit by attending the Financial Times Africa Summit Speakers Dinner at Claridge’s, London, on the evening of the 13th October 2019.
The President also received a courtesy call from the President of Sinn Fein Ms Mary Lou McDonald and her delegation including the National Party  Chairperson Mr Declan Kearney MLA and Mr Chris Hazzard, MP. South Africa enjoys a strong fraternal relationship with Ireland as does South Africa’s  governing party, the African National Congress, with Sinn Fein. In 1998, President Ramaphosa was appointed as a weapons inspector in Ireland by the government of the United Kingdom.
Today, Monday 14 October 2019, the President delivered the keynote address at the 6th Financial Times Africa Summit, to an audience of investors, financiers and business leaders coming from various parts of the world.
In his address, President Ramaphosa called for global business to be part of Africa’s great leap forward, saying while Africa’s infrastructure needs amounted to some $130 billion to $170 billion a year, this would only be achieved with collaboration with the global community, significant private funding and partnerships for mutual benefit.
For its part, South Africa was in the process of setting up an Infrastructure Fund to leverage investments from financial institutions, multilateral development banks, asset managers and commercial banks’.
President Ramaphosa said that with the global move towards cleaner energy sources, Africa was perfectly situated for investment in wind, solar, bioenergy, hydro and natural gas. South Africa’s renewable energy independent power producer programme, for example, has attracted approximately $14 billion in private sector investment in 102 projects and created around 40,000 jobs.
The President also encouraged African countries to advance the interests of their people. He further called on African leaders to seek African solutions to African problems by dealing with the rest of the world on Africa’s own terms; thus rejecting negative external influences which fuel conflict and entrench“theatres of war” in the continent.
On the sidelines of the Summit, the President met several political leaders and prospective investors to advance South Africa’s investment drive.
President Ramaphosa also received a courtesy call from the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr Tony Blair, with whom the President discussed collaboration to drive South Africa’s ambitious investment drive and the sharing of experiences to enhance the capacity and capabilities of government.
Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707
Issued by: The Presidency

President launches metro pilot of District Model

President Cyril Ramaphosa will visit KwaZulu-Natal Province on Thursday and Friday, 17 and 18 October 2019, to launch the metropolitan version of the District Development Model at the eThekwini (Durban) Metropolitan Municipality. 

This follows the successful rural pilot launch of the District Development Model at the OR Tambo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province on 17 September 2019. 

The Cabinet-approved District Development Model is due for implementation in all of South Africa’s 44 municipal Districts and 8 Metropolitans.

The third launch will take place in the mining region of the Waterberg District Municipality in Limpopo Province on 26 November 2019. 

Inspired by the Khawuleza (hurry up) call to action, the District Development Model aims to accelerate, align and integrate service delivery under a single development plan per district or metro that is developed jointly by national, provincial and local government as well as business, labour and community in each district.

Each district plan ensures that national priorities such as economic growth and employment; improvements to living conditions; the fight against crime and corruption and better education outcomes are attended to in the locality concerned.

This development approach ensures that planning and spending across the three spheres of government is integrated and aligned and that each district or metro plan is developed with the interests and input of communities taken into account upfront.

The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, as one of the 8 Metropolitan municipalities in the country, is a significant contributor to the national economy and is required to be a conducive environment for job creation through local and foreign investment, and for addressing such challenges as poverty, inequality and spatial transformation. 

The eight metros are the drivers of the national economy, generating 52.5% of GDP, 57.2% of national employment, and 65% of all taxable income.

The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality achieved an annual growth rate of 0.94% in 2018 which is similar to the provincial growth rate, and higher than the national rate of 0.79%. 

With the realisation that metropolitan areas are critical sites of creativity and innovation, the three spheres of government are investing a total of R28.6 billion in the next 5 years within the eThekwini metropolitan municipality to jointly respond to the developmental challenges in the area. 

Ahead of the eThekwini District Development launch on Friday, 18 October 2019, President Ramaphosa will visit the Dube Trade Port Special Economic Zone on 17 October 2019.

The Dube Trade Port Special Economic Zone is a catalyst for the Durban Aerotropolis which covers over 3 000ha around the King Shaka International Airport. 

It comprises airfreight facilities, the Dube Cargo Terminal, light industrial manufacturing and logistics and the Dube TradeZone, as well as an integrated agricultural precinct with a plant propagation laboratory, glass greenhouses, pack houses and distribution facilities. 

The President will also visit the Mara Phone Manufacturing Plant which is housed at the Dube Trade Port. The Mara Group announced plans to manufacture affordable smartphones in South Africa at the inaugural South African Investment Conference held in November 2018.

Mara Phones will manufacture two smartphones developed in partnership with Google, as part of the Android One Program. 

Following his engagements at the Dube Trade Port Special Economic Zone, President Ramaphosa will meet with the Durban Chamber of Business as part of the stakeholder collaboration that the District Development Model advocates.

On Friday, 18 October 2019, President Ramaphosa will visit the Mtshebheni Police Station in Inanda to monitor its service delivery outcomes following the 2017/2018 national crime statistics report which recorded that the Inanda police cluster had the highest number of sexually related crimes in South Africa. 

The President will then proceed to the Princess Magogo Stadium in KwaMashu to formally launch the eThekwini District Development Model at a community Imbizo. 

President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by Deputy President David Mabuza, Premier Sihle Zikalala of KwaZulu-Natal, Mayor Cllr Mxolisi Kaunda of eThekwini Metro Municipality and members of the National, Provincial Executive and Mayoral Committee. 

Details of the Presidential Launch of the eThekwini District Development Model are as follows: 

17 October 2019 

Visit Dube Trade Port and the Mara Phone Manufacturing Plant 

Time: 10:00 
Venue: Dube Trade Port, Durban  

Meeting Durban Chamber of Business 

Time: 14:00 
Venue: Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, Durban 

18 October 2019 

Visit to Inanda Police Station 

Time: 09:00 
Venue: Mtshebheni Police Station, Inanda 

Launch of the eThekwini District Development Model 

Time: 12:00 
Venue: Princess Magogo Stadium, KwaMashu 

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa attends first Russia-Africa Summit

President Cyril Ramaphosa will lead the South African delegation to the first Russia-Africa Summit on Wednesday, 23 and Thursday, 24 October 2019 in Sochi in the Russian Federation. 

The forum will focus on key areas of cooperation between Russia and African countries. 

The discussions are framed by three thematic pillars: “Forging Economic Ties”, “Creating Joint Projects”, and “Collaborating in the Humanitarian and  Social Sector”.

The summit is expected to deepen friendly relations between the Russian Federation and countries of the African continent at both bilateral and  multilateral levels; forge closer collaboration on regional and international issues of common interest, raise strategic dialogue between Russia and African countries to a qualitatively higher level, and contribute to peace, security and sustainable development on the African continent. 

The Russia-Africa Summit will also contribute towards the overall objective of addressing the aspirations of African countries as encapsulated in Agenda 2063.

As the continental development blueprint, Agenda 2063 calls for a people-centered developmental process that ensures, inter alia, economic diversification and growth in order to eradicate poverty, unemployment and inequality. 

The participation of South Africa at this inaugural summit is in line with the South African Foreign Policy pillar of encouraging South-North Cooperation in various technical fields, as well as promoting economic development.

Bilateral relations between the Republic of South Africa and the Russian Federation are at optimal level and continue to grow from strength to strength. 

Diplomatic relations were established between South Africa and the Russian Federation on 28 February 1992. 

The Russian Federation is a Strategic Partner for South Africa in terms of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement that was signed in eThekwini in 2013.

One of the primary mechanisms for improving the bilateral relationship between the two countries and advancing South Africa’s development objectives is the Intergovernmental Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation (ITEC). The ITEC is the foundation for mutually beneficial trade and economic ties between the two countries. Further substance was added to the growing relationship through the South Africa–Russia Friendship and Cooperation Agreement which was ratified in 2008. This Agreement provides a framework for deepening the strategic partnership.

More than 38 Bilateral Agreements and/or memoranda of understanding that have been concluded, underpin the strategic nature of the relationship.

This has also manifested in both countries consistently adopting common positions around key issues facing the world at the United Nations, African Union and other international forums. Relations between the two countries were further bolstered by the meeting between President Ramaphosa and President Putin on the margins of the BRICS Summit in July 2018.

At the conclusion of the bilateral meeting, the two Presidents signed a Declaration on the Strategic Partnership between South Africa and the Russian Federation. 

An Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Agriculture was signed as well as a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation on Water Resources.

The two Presidents also had an opportunity to meet on the margins of the G20 Summit in June 2019. The Sochi summit will be preceded by a Russia-Africa Business Forum on Wednesday, 23 October 2019, in which Russian and African private sector companies will participate.

The Business Forum’s focus will be on trade, economic and investment cooperation between Russia and African countries.

President Ramaphosa will be accompanied by the Ministers of International Relations and Co-operation, Dr Naledi Pandor, State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo and Communications and Digital Technologies, Ms Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams.

Deputy President David Mabuza is appointed Acting President for the duration of the President’s trip abroad.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko: Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency

President Ramaphosa arrives in Russia for the Russia-Africa Summit

President Cyril Ramaphosa has arrived in Sochi in the Russian Federation where he is leading a South African delegation to the first Russia-Africa  Summit to take place on Wednesday, 23 and Thursday, 24 October 2019.

The forum will focus on key areas of cooperation between Russia and African countries.

The discussions are framed by three thematic pillars: “Forging Economic Ties”, “Creating Joint Projects”, and “Collaborating in the Humanitarian and Social Sector”.
While in Russia, President Ramaphosa is expected to attend the inaugural Russia-Africa Economic Forum, have bilateral meetings with President  Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation and other Heads of State and Government attending the Summit.

President Ramaphosa will also address the first Russia-Africa Summit Plenary session.

The summit is expected to deepen friendly relations between the Russian Federation and countries of the African continent at both bilateral and multilateral levels, forge closer collaboration on regional and international issues of common interest, raise strategic dialogue between Russia and African countries to a qualitatively higher level, and contribute to peace, security and sustainable development on the African continent.

The Russia-Africa Summit will also contribute towards the overall objective of addressing the aspirations of African countries as encapsulated in Agenda 2063.

As the continental development blueprint, Agenda 2063 calls for a people-centered developmental process that ensures, inter alia, economic diversification and growth in order to eradicate poverty, unemployment and inequality.

The participation of South Africa at this inaugural summit is in line with the South African Foreign Policy pillar of encouraging South-North Cooperation in various technical fields, as well as promoting economic development.

Bilateral relations between the Republic of South Africa and the Russian Federation are at optimal level and continue to grow from strength to strength.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by the Ministers of International Relations and Co-operation, Dr Naledi Pandor, Public Enterprise Mr Pravin Gordhan, State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo and Communications and Digital Technologies, Ms Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams.

Deputy President David Mabuza is appointed Acting President for the duration of the President’s trip abroad.

Media enquires: Ms Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

Appointment of Inspecting Judge for Correctional Services

President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed recently retired Constitutional Court Justice Edwin Cameron as the Inspecting Judge of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services for a three-year term with effect from 01 January 2020.

The President has also in terms of Section 86(1)(b) reappointed the current Inspecting Judge, the Honourable Justice Johann van der Westhuizen, for a period of three months, with immediate effect, until 31 December 2019. Justice Van der Westhuizen is also a retired judge of the Constitutional   Court.

The Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services is tasked with monitoring and oversight of correctional facilities around the country and reports on the  treatment of inmates and the conditions of correctional centres.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President to launch Integrated Housing Development in Mangaung

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Saturday, 26 October 2019, launch the Hillside View Integrated Human Settlements project in Bloemfontein, Mangaung.

The project was initiated in 2016 as part of government’s commitment to providing  decent accommodation to members of the community of Mangaung.

The Hillside View development integrates different housing typologies and consists of 50 homes for military veterans, 18 Land Restitution units, 532  Breaking New Ground Homes (BNG) and 250 bonded houses.

The bonded houses address the need for first time home buyers in the gap market and these units are bought through the Finance Linked Individual  Subsidy Programme.

The 425 Social Housing rental units comprise of bachelor, one-bedroom and two-bedroom accommodation.

The housing development is located near social amenities such as schools, clinics, police stations and places of employment.

The President will also hand over title deeds during a public participation engagement as part of the programme.

Over the years the Department of Human Settlements has delivered over 4 million housing opportunities.

The houses to be handed over on Saturday will be an addition to over 300 000 houses already delivered by the Free State Provincial Government over the past few years.

Members of the media are invited as follows:

Date: Saturday, 26 October 2019
Time: 08h30
Venue: Hillside View Integrated Housing Development

Media RSVPs: Nangamso Gxaba on 072 321 6355

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

Acting President pays tribute to the late media personality, Mr Xolani Gwala

Acting President Ms Angie Motshekga has, on behalf of President Cyril Ramaphosa, expressed sadness at the passing away of respected broadcaster and public speaker Mr Xolani Gwala.

Mr Gwala has passed away at the age of 44, following an extended illness.

President Ramaphosa learnt of Mr Gwala’s passing while en route today, Friday 01 November 2019, to Yokohama in Japan.

Mr Gwala, who last served as a senior host on Talk Radio 702, established his reputation as a media professional during a career that took him from  newsreader on Ukhozi FM to P4 Radio in KwaZulu-Natal in the mid-1990s, to various radio and television platforms at the South African Broadcasting  Corporation (SABC).

A decade ago he was appointed news editor at a radio station based in Ramallah in the Palestinian territory.

President Ramaphosa has extended heartfelt condolences to Mr Gwala’s family, friends and colleagues in the media fraternity in South Africa and abroad.

The President said: “We have lost a youthful veteran in an important sector in our country. As a professional who qualified in the mid-1990s, Xolani Gwala carried with him the values of our transition to democracy – the values of listening and being open to views that conflict with or offend your own, and a focus on solutions.

“While he became a prominent public figure, he never placed himself ahead of the interests and needs of large numbers of South Africans who trusted his platforms as safe spaces for dialogue and engagement.

“He never shied away from tough questions and from holding people in public office to account, but he never let his cross-examination impugn the dignity of anyone with whom he interacted.

“At the same time, he understood that public education was not only about the cut and thrust of debate but also about unpacking, in easily understandable terms, the attributes of our democracy and the development of our economy.

“We will miss his voice, his insight and his love for our country but we will remain grateful that he gave a voice to thousands of South Africans who shared their joys and frustrations in life on the many platforms Xolani commanded with excellence.”

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President – 072 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

President hails Springbok Rugby World Cup triumph

President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his elation at the Springboks’ triumph in the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan, saying “it's a great outcome”.

Speaking moments after the Springboks, led by captain Siya Kolisi, beat England 32-12 at the International Stadium Yokohama, President Ramaphosa said: “The boys have outshone everyone in the world. They are the best; they are the best team."

“When I spoke to them hours before the match, I could see in their eyes that they were really determined, and they have delivered a great victory. It was  really Go Bokke!"

“We are the Champions; indeed, we are the champions of the world.”

The President congratulated captain Siya Kolisi, coach Rassie Erasmus and the technical staff, the tournament squad, the team on the day and the leadership of SA Rugby for securing the Webb Ellis Trophy at the first Rugby World Cup to be staged in Asia. 

“This is a historic moment for South Africa, for World Rugby and for Japan as the host nation and close partner of South Africa.

“This historic win has been achieved with the passionate support of more than 57 million South Africans who have been inspired by the Springboks’ performances throughout the tournament."

“This is a powerful indicator of what we can achieve as South Africans when we set goals for ourselves and we work together to achieve success."

“This is a moment of inspiration for all South Africans in all avenues of life and all sectors of our society. It is a moment that is embedded forever in our national memory.” 

The President commended England as worthy finalists in Yokohama and said the World Cup result would ensure intense interest and competition in the 2021 tour of South Africa by the British & Irish Lions featuring the best players from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 

President Ramaphosa will depart from Tokyo tomorrow, Sunday 03 November 2019, to continue the national celebration on home soil. 

Media enquiries:
Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on 072 854 5707 

Issued by: The Presidency 

President to launch Tshwane Automotive Hub

President Cyril Ramaphosa will tomorrow, Tuesday, 05 November 2019, officially launch the Tshwane Automotive Hub at the Ford Motor Company in Silverton, Pretoria. 

The Automotive Hub is an outcome of the SA investment conference held in October 2018 where the Automotive Industry pledged investment, transformation and localisation in fulfillment of commitments in the Automotive Master Development Plan 2035.

The Tshwane Automotive hub is expected to help the country attract new automotive component manufacturers, while also strengthening the City of  Tshwane’s positioning as an automotive city.  

Ford SA will be the anchor tenant of the Hub, crowding in new investments and localisation opportunities for component manufacturers. It is estimated that the Hub has the potential to create more than 5 000 jobs once fully operational. It is also estimated that the Hub will result in a number of new business opportunities to nearby communities such as Eesterust, Moretele View, Nellmapius and Mamelodi.

The automotive hub, which is part of the expansion of the OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) Special Economic Zone (SEZ), will be developed through a joint partnership between the Department of Trade and Industry, Gauteng Provincial Government and the City of Tshwane.

Broadly, Special Economic Zones are an initiative of the South African government, aimed at repositioning the country in the world economy and have become global tools for social and economic transformation, resulting in exponential growth when deployed.  The programme’s main focus is to attract foreign direct investment and grow exports of value-added commodities.

Among key objectives of the Tshwane Automotive SEZ are:

• Developing infrastructure required to support the growth of industrial activities,
• Attracting foreign and domestic direct investment,
• Promoting regional economic development,
• Broadening the economic participation of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises and cooperatives.

Members of the media are invited to attend the launch which will take place as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Time: 09h00
Venue: Ford Motors Company South Africa (Ford Nature Reserve) Silverton, Tshwane

RSVPs including names, ID numbers and media houses that journalists represent should be directed to Phumzile Kotane via email: or telephone on 071 462 8246 / 012 394 1147 AND Terrence Manase on / 082 338 6707.

Media enquiries: Khusela Diko, Spokesperson to the President on +27 72 854 5707

Issued by: The Presidency

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