Deputy Minister Kenneth Morolong
Itiseng Kenneth Morolong is a Member of Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. He is currently serving as a Deputy Minister in The Presidency having been so appointed on the 06th March 2023, by His Excellency, the President of the Republic of South Africa.
Prior to his appointment to the National Executive, he served as a member of the Parliament Standing Committee on Finance and as an alternate member of the Standing Committee on Appropriations.
Due to various political roles he has played, he has developed a keen interest in prudential public administration of state affairs. His leadership roles in both the ANC, Parliament, and now the Executive arm of the State cumulatively made him an advocate for a transformative public administration.
He is currently registered for a BA Public Administration with the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA). He was born on the 17 February 1982, in Ipelegeng Township, Schweitzer-Reneke, North West Province. He attended Itshupeng Secondary School where he matriculated.
His political awareness was sparked at the very early age of 9, which saw him take an active role in the political activities and campaigns in his local community, mobilising children behind the banner of the ANC. This participation was organised through the ANC Young Pioneers (Masupatsela) of which he became its President from 1991-1994.
Kenny also participated in the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) through which he mobilised the school-going youth towards the concept of people’s education for people’s power. He became Provincial Chairperson of Cosas in North West, from 1998 - 2000, where he and his generation of Cosas youth led a campaign to integrate the public schooling system. This saw the integration of black learners into former Model C and whites-only public schools.
Throughout his life, he participated in ANC structures invariably occupying different positions of responsibility and leadership from the Young Pioneers, Cosas, ANCYL, and the ANC itself.
He was elected as a member of the ANC Provincial Executive Committee in 2011 and was appointed as the ANC Provincial Spokesperson.
In 2013, he was appointed by the President of the Republic of South Africa as the Executive Deputy Chairperson of the National Youth Development Agency from 2013-2016. He was reappointed to the NYDA Board in 2017, a position he held until his election as a Member of the Sixth Parliament of the Republic of South Africa in 2019.