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Statement on the virtual Cabinet Meeting of Wednesday, 2 December 2020

A. Issues In The Environment

1. Increase in Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) infections

1.1. Cabinet has expressed extreme concern about the spike in the number of new COVID-19 infections in the Eastern Cape and parts of the Western Cape. The rise in infections has been attributed to, among other factors, non-adherence to COVID-19 prevention protocols and Alert Level 1 regulations.

1.2. Cabinet approved the proposed intervention measures for the Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) Metropolitan Municipality to address increasing COVID-19 infections. Cabinet also approved that the initiation schools may proceed within the strict health protocols outside of the NMB Metro. The Minister of Health, Dr Zweli Mkhize, will be undertaking visits to the Western Cape to assess what needs to be done to intervene in areas such as the Garden Route. 

1.3. Cabinet reiterated the importance of adhering to non-pharmaceutical interventions such as washing hands with water and soap or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask in public. All of us should support the call by the World Health Organisation to prevent new COVID-19 infections.

1.4. As we approach the festive season, we should remember that the pandemic is still active and dangerous. Therefore, we must avoid unnecessary travel, particularly by public transport, and limit frequenting public venues such as restaurants, taverns or bars. Each of us needs to ensure we take precautions to avoid spreading the virus to our families, especially our elders. 

1.5. We must always maintain social distancing even as we gather as families to celebrate the holidays. Through our responsible behaviour, we can all contribute to fighting and containing the spread of COVID-19. Cabinet also approved the extension of the National State of Disaster to 15 January 2021.

2. Freight transport industry

2.1. Cabinet strongly condemned the lawlessness affecting the road freight industry and commended the swift response by the police in arresting suspects in Gauteng. Cabinet offered its condolences to the families and colleagues of drivers who lost their lives and wish those injured a speedy recovery.

2.2. While we understand the frustrations at the violation of immigration laws by some companies, violence is not the solution. Cabinet calls on all affected people to submit their concerns about the freight transport industry to relevant structures instead of resorting to violence.

2.3. Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi is leading a team of Ministers that is dealing with this matter and is expected to submit a concrete proposal to Cabinet to address all disputes affecting the industry. 

3. Infrastructure development

3.1. Cabinet welcomed the handover of the uMshwathi Bulk Water Supply Scheme in KwaZulu-Natal, which will completely change the lives of more than 3 000 households in the areas of Albert Falls, Mpolweni, Trustfeed and Nadi.

3.2. The scheme is a precursor to various other regional bulk water supply projects that will span across seven district municipalities – Zululand, King Cetshwayo, iLembe, uThukela, uMgungundlovu and Harry Gwala. Cabinet urges the beneficiaries to conserve and use water sparingly for the benefit of all households. 

4. Safer holidays

4.1. As South Africans take time to enjoy the holidays with their families and friends, Cabinet encourages all of us to do so responsibly. In addition to adhering to all health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we must also abide by the rules of the road to ensure that we all reach our destinations safely. 

4.2. Road safety is the responsibility of all South Africans and all motorists are urged to adhere to the speed limit, do not drink and drive, and do not drive recklessly and negligently. 

4.3. Parents and caregivers are urged not to leave children unsupervised during the holiday season. By working together to take care, we can ensure a safe and joyous festive season.

B. Cabinet Decisions

1. Cabinet approved the IMTT recommendation for a withdrawal of the direct interventions under section 100(1)(b) in North West by the end of the 2020/21 financial year.

1.2. Cabinet is satisfied with progress that has been made on the national government’s intervention in North West, although more work still needs to be done to fully restore good governance in the province. 

1.3. Progress has been made in restoring community and labour peace, financial controls, consequence management and service delivery. There has also been a turnaround in audit results, and an end to six years of decline and stagnation of audit findings.  A full report will be tabled in Parliament.

2. Update on the South African Airways (SAA) Business Rescue Plan (BR Plan)

2.1. Cabinet was briefed on the progress regarding the implementation of the SAA BR Plan and how the allocation of the R10.5 billion will be effectively used to ensure the success in the implementation of the BR Plan.  

2.2. Cabinet appreciated the progress and implored the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) to hasten the implementation of key initiatives to ensure the emergence of a new restructured, efficient and techno-savvy national airline. 

2.3. The DPE was directed to finalise the appointment of the interim board for SAA and to conclude the appointment of the Strategic Equity Partner for the restructured SAA. Mango was commended on the strategic role it played as an SAA subsidiary, to ensure the continued presence of the airline in the market. 

3. National Seasonal Preparedness (Contingency) Plan for the 2020-21 Summer Season

3.1. Cabinet approved the National Seasonal Preparedness Plan for the 2020-2021 Summer Season presented by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma. The plan follows predictions which indicated that increased chances of above-normal rainfall over most parts of the country are expected. This implies that the summer rainfall areas covering all eight provinces – except the winter rainfall areas such as Western Cape – have a high expectation of floods and windstorms. 

3.2. In implementing the plan, mitigating measures are put in place to reduce the impact of extreme summer seasonal hazards. This plan incorporates the festive season starting from November 2020 to February 2021, since this period prone to increased risks of weather-related hazards. Cabinet further noted that some parts of the Cape provinces are still experiencing severe drought.

3.3. Cabinet calls on the public to make the necessary preparations against summer seasonal hazards and ensure effective responses that would save lives, protect property and infrastructure. 

4. National Policy Development Framework

4.1. Cabinet approved the National Policy Development Framework that will guide all government departments in drafting their respective public policies. The framework seeks to standardise the policy-formulation processes across all spheres of government.

4.2. The document outlines the various steps to be followed in public policy formulation, which include policymaking cycles, expected standards; factors to be considered when formulating a policy and institutional arrangements to be put in place for effective policymaking and implementation processes.   

4.3. The current framework does not ensure uniformity and synergy in policymaking in government. The document will be accessible through the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) website ( 

5. Land Donations Policy

5.1. Cabinet approved the policy for implementation, which aims to accelerate land donations as one of the ways to respond to the slow pace of land reform. 

5.2. The implementation of the policy will create meaningful opportunities for citizens in peri-urban and rural areas to participate in the economy. It puts in place incentives and guides land donations by owners of large tracts of land. The incentives come with prescribed empowerment responsibilities on the part of big institutional land holders that will donate land.

5.3. Donated land and the incentive policy measures are aligned to the agreement reached by social partners in the 2016 Operations Phakisa on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. The policy was released for public consultation in February 2020.

6. National Policy on Beneficiary Selection and Land Allocation of 2020

6.1. Cabinet approved the policy, which provides for a fair, credible and transparent process for beneficiary selection and land allocation in South Africa. The policy incorporates comments received during its publication earlier in the year and sets out to address, amongst others, gender inequality in land ownership. 

6.2. It prioritises the allocation of land ownership to women, thereby promoting the advancement of women in this regard. It also seeks to address the diverse land needs as expressed by communities for agricultural production, human settlements, commonage, residential and industrial development. 

6.3. The policy proposes the creation of an independent structure to process the land allocations and provides for an online application system to ensure full transparency to the allocation of the land. 

7. Draft One-Stop Border Post (OSBP) Policy 

7.1. Cabinet approved the draft OSBP Policy for public consultation. The creation of the OSBP seeks to harmonise the movement of people and goods between South Africa’s land ports of entry and its neighbouring countries. The proposals in the policy seek to address congestion which results in delays, particularly by cross-border travellers and traders. 

7.2. This policy gives effect to the One-Stop Border Framework that was adopted by Cabinet in 2018. At a continental level, the policy contributes to the Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative, which advances interconnectivity amongst African countries to address infrastructure deficit and boost intra-Africa trade. The draft policy will be gazetted for public comment during the first quarter of 2021.

8. Ratification of the International Labour Organisation Convention Concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work Convention of 2019 (No. 190)

8.1. Cabinet approved the submission of the World of Work Convention of 2019 (No. 190) to Parliament for ratification. The convention addresses violence and harassment, specifically in the workplace. It provides a clear framework for action and an opportunity to shape a future of work based on dignity and respect, free from violence and harassment.

8.2. Ratification of this convention is aligned to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996. Once ratified, the provisions of the convention will be domesticated and aligned to the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995).

8.3. The Department of Employment and Labour has already developed a Code of Good Practice on the Prevention and Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.

9. Revised Antarctic and Southern Ocean Strategy

9.1. Cabinet approved the revised strategy for implementation, which includes comments received during its publication earlier in the year. The strategy provides for the coordination and implementation of the Antarctic Treaties Act, 1996 (Act 60 of 1996), relating to research, conservation, sustainable resource use and environmental management in support of the African agenda.  

9.2. This contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals, by recognising that the Antarctic and Southern Ocean are critical parts of the global climate system. The strategy contributes to climate action and ecological integrity by promoting the establishment of specially protected and managed areas. It was published in March 2020 for public comment.

10. Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites Nomination Dossier 

10.1. Cabinet approved submission of the Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites Nomination Dossier to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s World Heritage Centre for consideration and inscription as a World Heritage Site. This is part of the broader Resistance and Liberation Heritage Route Project. 

10.2. The nomination puts forward 10 individual sites in four provinces and seven municipalities. These represent our history of liberation and human rights, and provides evidence of the different phases of the struggle for freedom. 

10.3. This nomination is aligned to the National Development Plan, which emphasises the conservation and restoration of protected areas. It also recognises the potential of the creative economy’s contribution towards generating employment and export earnings.

C. Bills 

1. Preservation and Development of Agricultural Land Bill of 2020

1.1. Cabinet approved submission of the Bill to Parliament. The Bill repeals the Agricultural Land Act, 1970 (Act 70 of 1970) to give effect to constitutional requirements, and provide a fair and balanced approach in the use of agricultural land.

1.2. The Bill proactively protects agricultural land for food production through the establishment of Protected Agricultural Areas in which high potential agricultural land will be delineated for agricultural purposes and low potential agricultural land will be permitted for non-agricultural uses. 

1.3. The implementation of the Bill addresses the threat to national and household food security.

D. Upcoming Events

1. African Union (AU) Summit 

1.1. The AU will host the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Extraordinary Summit on 5 and 6 December 2020, in preparation for the start of the AfCFTA on 1 January 2021. 

1.2. The AfCFTA holds enormous benefits for South Africa as it serves as a catalyst to economic growth and investment. The free-trade area opens our exports of goods and services to a market of more than 1,2 billion people. As Chair of the AU, South Africa has been at the forefront of driving the implementation of the AfCFTA.

1.3. The agreement advances economic integration and development, women empowerment on the continent, and strengthens efforts towards peace and stability in Africa.

2. Reconciliation Day

2.1. South Africa will commemorate Reconciliation Day on 16 December 2020 under the theme: “United in Action against Racism, Gender-Based Violence and Other Intolerances”. Let us use this day to recommit ourselves towards achieving nation-building and social cohesion.

2.2. This year’s focus on racism underscores the importance of each person taking responsibility to fight racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in the country. 

3. International Anti-Corruption Day

3.1. South Africa will join the rest of the world in commemorating International Anti-Corruption Day on Wednesday, 9 December 2020. The day raises awareness about the cost and negative effects of corruption, and seeks to eliminate it. 

3.2. Corruption is unacceptable, whether it occurs in the public or private sector. Corruption takes various forms and acts like ‘buying’ a drivers licence, paying a bribe to escape lawful punishment, collusion and anti-competitive behaviour, all constitute corruption. 

3.3. The success of our fight against corruption depends on the involvement of all citizens and institutions. In November 2020, Cabinet approved the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for implementation and called on everyone to form a united front in fighting corruption. If you see something, say something, report corruption by dialling the National Anti-Corruption Hotline on 0800 701 701. 

E. Messages

1. Congratulations

Cabinet extended its congratulations and well-wishes to: 

1.1. Ms Tsakani Maluleke, who has been appointed Auditor-General of South Africa with effect from 1 December 2020. Cabinet wishes her well in her responsibilities to ensure accountability in the use of state resources. 

2. Condolences

Cabinet sent condolences to the:

2.1. family, friends and colleagues of former Bafana Bafana and Mamelodi Sundowns defender Anele Ngcongca. 
2.2. Royal Bafokeng nation on the passing of Mohumagadi (Queen Mother), Dr Semane Bonolo Molotlegi.
2.3. AbaThembu nation on the passing of AmaXhosa Queen-Mother Nozamile Sigcawu, mother of the late King Mpendulo Zwelonke Sigcawu.
2.4. family of His Majesty King Goodwill Zwelithini on the passing of his son Prince Lethukuthula Zulu.

F. Appointments

All appointments are subject to the verification of qualifications and the relevant clearance.

1. Ms Mukondeleli Johanna Mulaudzi as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ports Regulator of South Africa. 
2. Ms Ayanda Noah as the Chairperson of the Central Energy Fund SOC LTD Board.
3. Mr Loyiso Tyabashe as the CEO of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation.

4. Council members of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority:
a. Dr Audrey Leah Mofomme (Chairperson);
b. Mr Matome Solomon Ralebipi (Deputy Chairperson);
c. Mr Humphrey Nhlanhla Ngubane;
d. Dr Sithembile Nombali Mbete; and
e. Ms Thandeka Ntshangase.

5. Extension of the contract of Mr Mbulelo Tshangana as the Director-General (DG) of the Department of Human Settlements.
6. Ms Nomfundo Clementine Tshabalala as the DG of the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. 
7. Dr Annette Theresa Griessel as the Deputy DG (DDG): National Planning Coordination at the DPME.
8. Dr Nontsikelelo Valencia Tshayingca-Mashiya as the DDG: Corporate Services at the DPME.
9. Ms Dorcas Tshepiso Moahloli as the DDG: Assets and Liability Management at National Treasury. 

Ms Phumla Williams – Cabinet Spokesperson
Cell:  083 501 0139

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